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Smart Guidelines for Choosing a Professional Freelance Book Editor

Congrats for writing your novel from the beginning to the end. It is no joke and you should be dancing and singing a victory song. However the major work is done, there is more that you need to do to make your hook ready for publishing. You need to look for professional editing services that will not only make your novel ready for publishing but will also improve its quality. One good thing with most editing services is the fact that they exist in all parts of the world and no matter the amount of money you have you will get the services you want.

However numerous editing services do not always mean quality editing services. There are many freelance book editors who cannot be credited for good work. This is because they are new in the industry or they have no professional skills and knowledge that make it easy to deliver supreme editing services. Since you have set your mind into hiring the best freelance book editor it is right to do all that is required of you. This means taking a lot of time considering who to pick and who to leave. This way you will have your book edited by the best. Here are some guidelines to help you locate not just an experienced editor but also one who has all the creativity that is needed to take your book to the next level.

First look for editors who have experience as writers and as editors. This means that the freelance editor started as a writer and then progressed to work on other people?s works. This has given him or her all the skills, insight and knowledge to make your book the best seller of the season. There are many editing services that you can get from an editor ranging from line editing to marketing and proofreading and the more experience your freelance editor has the better the work that he or she will do. So make sure that for the last twenty or so years the editor has been writing books as well as editing others. You can ask for some of the works that he or she has been credited for. It is also a good thing to see some of the books that he or she has written.

The second thing is to choose editors who will work with you all through your writing process. Although you have the basic idea of your storyline it is always important to give it a different perspective. This will give you insights on parts that will need to be added and twists that you have probably forgotten to add. This way your storyline will have an interesting bit from the insights offered by your editor as well as the artistic bit that originates from your inner mind and creativity. So be sure to blend the two.

Finally, choose an editor who has worked with publishing and book marketing firms. You may not know t but your editor will influence how fast your book will sell.

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