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The Necessity of Hunger Relief Programs

Food is a basic need and therefore, everyone needs to have access to it. A number of reasons make some people suffer from hunger. Some of the reasons include poverty and insecurity. Hunger causes malnutrition and even death. Some people do not care about the people who do not have food which is a bad thing. Hungry people are catered for by some people who have a good heart. A number of ways are used by the good-hearted people to help the ones suffering from hunger. Some of the ways they apply include providing food for those people and helping those people to grow crops. Hunger relief programs are mainly used when helping the hungry. Below are some of the reasons why such programs are beneficial.

It is through those programs that the people who do not have food are identified. A lot of people assume that since they have food, other people also have food which is not the case. However, identifying the people who do not have food is hard since you will not go asking each person you meet on the way if he or she is hungry. Well-wishers have an easy time identifying the people suffering from hunger through these programs. Hunger is a silent pandemic and so finding those people is important since you will save them from it.

With the use of these programs, food distribution, is easy. There is enough food to feed every person. However, a high percentage of the foods produced worldwide are wasted. The available food is also not well distributed. Through the programs, food is collected from well-wishers. The runners of these programs transport the collected food to the hungry. Also, they distribute the food to the specific people and specific families affected by hunger.

For you to end hunger completely, you need to provide food for more than a day. The main source of hunger needs to be identified when dealing with hunger. Poverty is eradicated through hunger relief programs since it is the main source of hunger. The fact that poor people do not have money for food or for growth of crops makes poverty to be the main source of hunger. The programs help such people in growing of crops. Hunger will be controlled when crops are grown. also, through these programs, countries affected by hunger are helped to grow economically.

Money is given to the affected people through these programs. A hungry person cannot be helped by one meal. Hunger relief programs collect money from volunteers and give it to people suffering from hunger to buy food using it. Money helps in that it can be used to buy foods when the given food is over. Above are some of the reasons why hunger relief programs are important.
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