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Tips to Preparing Child for NAPLAN

This post takes a look at some of the tips to help you prepare your child for the NAPLAN tests.

First and foremost, it would be advisable for you to consider gauging your child’s reaction to the tests. For many children, they are never worried as much about these tests. Talking of responses, where your son or daughter happens to be not so much worried about the tests, you shouldn’t be worried as a parent. As a parent, you need to try and see the tests as an opportunity for them to grow and learn and avoid as much an approach that would make them feel some angst such as talking excessively about these tests or worrying about the tests.

Going forward, one other thing that you may want to consider doing even as you look forward to preparing your child for these tests is to help the get familiar with the tests format. Take some time and look over some of the example tests with the child so as to help ready them. In doing this, you should have a focus on issues such as reading the questions and where they will be writing their answers and not being as much interested in whether their answers are right or wrong.

In this we as such see the fact that you should be more primarily focused on the process and not the results as you seek to prepare the child for the NAPLAN tests. Now, in the event that you realize that your child is over anxious about the tests, encourage them as much as you can to be as comfortable as they can be in the exam environment. Get them the skills required for this such as time management, reading and answering the questions and the like.

Added to these, it would as well be advisable to encourage your child to talk about their concerns with regards to these tests. In the event that they happen to be showing some signs of nervousness, find out what it is that is causing this and show empathy by sharing your experiences as well for them to know it’s normal and advice them on what to do to overcome this.

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