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How To Iron Dress Shirts

It is important to maintain a good dressing code for each occasion because people can judge or get a certain impression based on the dressing code. Clothes will appear more attractive and make one to be smart if they are properly ironed to straighten the fabric. There are steps to follow if one is to properly iron their dress shirts for a professional and sharp look. The iron board and iron needs to be of good quality for shirts and other clothing to appear more appealing after ironing. Iron sole plates need to be smooth and cleaning before the process to avoid leaving dirt marks on the shirts.

It is also important to use a smooth and tidy ironing board that has uniform surface to place the dress shirts. While ironing water is needed and it should be either distilled or filtered for better results after ironing the clothes. Ironing sprays are more preferable when used instead of water as they are unscented and contain fabric softeners. Getting hangers of good quality is important since the shirts have to be immediately hanged after being ironed. There are some quality irons that are available at very affordable prices and they are preferable compared to cheaper ones which might get damaged easily. There are many types of irons including some with steam chambers and ways of regulating the temperatures and also automatic cord winders.

Buying stainless sole plate irons is better since they are more durable and are not affected by common destructive conditions. To give better ironing results it is advisable to iron in batches since it might be a waste of time preparing the iron for just one shirt. When ironing the dress shirts the first step should be to start with the collars and preferably the back part of the collar. All parts must be ironed while ensuring they are wet or moist and since each part has two sides the other side needs to be ironed similarly to the previous part. The next step involves ironing the cuffs by unfolding and then carefully ironing around the buttons which should be ironed from the back to prevent overheating and cracking.

The front part of the shirt then follows and needs to be ironed from the shoulder parts downwards and turning the shirt for the back part too. The shirt sleeves follow and require to be laid straight on the board because the process can be quite problematic otherwise. After ironing the shirts, they should be hanged on the hangers immediately so as to maintain their natural forms. Water and ironing sprays soften the fabrics and as a result make it easier to iron without much effort and also the fabrics do not form wrinkles when wet as compared to doing so to dry shirts.

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