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How Companies Benefit From OKRS.

Due to the high demand for organizations to deliver on their future goals and objectives, companies are resulting to using Objective and Key Results also known as OKRs to implement a solid strategy especially in a situation where employees are faced with challenges such as demotivation and lack of purpose that may hinder them from meeting the required goals. This is due to the fact that OKRs helps companies keep their vision, objectives and goals by showing their employees what is exactly expected of them through aligning their focus on company goals and thereby benefiting in the following ways.

The first way in which companies benefit through OKRs is maintaining the focus of the employees towards the company goals. By using OKRs, companies keeps their employees ultimately engaged to achieving the objective set before them, thereby limiting their disengagement by keeping them focused on the number of things that they are supposed to do. By using OKRs, employees are connected towards achieving corporate goals by giving them a clear direction and therefore increase their productivity through focusing on goals and tracking their regular progress towards the set goals.

The other way in which companies benefit through OKRs is alignment of all objectives and linking all key results in a single Workboard of what should and what shouldn’t be done. This is due to the fact that alignment of key objectives help companies move on from planning to execution, tying all contributors implementing their OKRs.

The other way in which companies benefit through OKRs is keeping the commitment of the employees towards the company goals. By sharing their OKRs with their employers on OKR podcast for them to evaluate and track specific goals they are striving to achieve, OKRs ensures that employees are committed towards their objectives.

Companies can benefit from OKRs through creation of transparency and overview of employees towards the company goals. The fact that every individual can share his or her own OKRs in OKR Podcast makes it possible for other employees to see how they are progressing. This brings everyone together in one tool where all OKRs can be managed, creating transparency, overview and accountability, thereby ensuring daily tracking of how everyone is meeting their objectives.

The other way in which companies benefit through OKRs is that it increases the learning curve among employees. The fact that everyone sits together to share their OKRs to other teams for review makes it possible for them to be corrected supposed they are working on the wrong thing or using the wrong format to achieve their OKRs. This can help them improve on their OKR objectives for the next sitting, making it possible for them to learn new things since their OKRs are being graded for their own improvement.