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The Guidelines for Painting Acrylic Portraits

One needs a lot of practice in order to be successful at painting people. When painting people or portraits in acrylics, it should be done in layers. You may find yourself getting borer while painting the layers. During the time when you may be painting portraits in acrylics, you only need to have some patience as you do the layers and ensure that all the features are in the right place.

The first step in painting portraits is ensuring that the person’s features have been done correctly. The most suitable way of getting the features done as they should is by the use of the grid method. You should start by drawing a pencil to draw a grid lightly and it should have squares that are equal in size. You should then have another grid which you should use to place on the photo. That grid that you place on the photo should be a bit smaller in size.

You should then draw lines based on what you can see on the canvas. For you to be more accurate with whatever you are doing, it is a good idea to some smaller squares inside the already existing squares. After you have done an accurate drawing, you can then erase all the grid lines because they have no other use. The second step in painting acrylic portraits is doing the foundation. In the foundation, you should use a thin layer of paint which consists of the skin tone of the person you are painting. The paint that you use should have a consistency which is similar to that if watercolor.

You should add the layers until you have the right shadows. It should be possible for you to see the pencil lines that are on the facial features that you have painted. The next thing that you should do is painting the lines of the facial features using a dark color. After you are through with painting different features which include the nose, eyes, eyebrows, mouth, and nose, the next thing that you need to do is painting the final layers of the finished project. The final layers that are included in the acrylic painting are what makes it have a life. It is therefore important for you to look carefully at your reference photo so that you can see where the shadows are located. You should then add some shadows using layers. You can add some colors such as blue or red to show the color of the flesh since it’s a portrait that you are painting.

One thing that you should know for example is that there are some bright highlights that should be used on the nose. It is a good idea for you to use some white layers on the chins, cheeks, and forehead since it provides a great highlight. While painting the acrylic portrait, the last thing that you should do is highlighting using a white color. On the lips, you need to use pure white paint since they should be white and moist. One thing that you should always remember is that you will need to have patience while painting acrylics since you will be doing it in layers. In case your first portraits do not turn out as per your expectations, you should avoid getting into frustrations and continue practicing.

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