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Tips To Help You Get Rid Of Creeping Charlie

Creeping Charlie is an insidious weed that is commonly referred as ground ivy. It is a weed that is resilient which makes it hard to control. Creeping Charlie can fill up an empty space fast especially in early spring. It is known to fast fill landscaping beds and lawns. It kills everything on the ground. It is important for you to act fast once you see Creeping Charlie. Below are a few ways to get rid of Creeping Charlie.

For a start, you can begin by removing Creeping Charlie using your hands. In as much that it may take too long and achieve minimal success, this method has been found to be quite effective. You will need a watering can, shovel, gloves, garden horse, cultivator and lawn waste disposal bag. The garden gloves will prevent skin irritation. Be careful especially if you are allergic to Creeping Charlie. You need to expose the roots so as to dig and pull out the weeds. It is important you ensure you pull the plant by the roots. It is advisable to water the area if the ground is dry. It will be easier to pluck because the water will have softened it. For deep roots, you can use a cultivator to loosen the soil. Make sure after plucking the plant you put it in a disposal bag. Afterwards, dig through the soil to get rid of any root pieces that may have been left. Roots that have been left behind will regenerate.

Another method of getting rid of Creeping Charlie is smothering. It means that you deprive it of sunlight for a long time. Weeds normally do well in shade. Covering it completing such that you block the sun is an effective method. Keep in mind that if there are other plants, they will also die together with Creeping Charlie. For this method to be effective, you will need gloves, disposal bag, cultivator, rocks, newspaper and tarp. You will have to cover the area with Creeping Charlie with a newspaper and tarp. Use rocks or bricks to hold the tarp. Wait for at least a week or more before Creping Charlie is smothered. If the plant is brown and shrivelled, it means that it is dead. Pull it off the ground and dispose it.

The other method would be to use herbicide. When your lawn is filled by Creeping Charlie, it may be not possible to pull it our manually if it gets entangled with the turf. You also cannot smother it well without killing the grass. At times it is best you use herbicide. However, you need to know that majority of the plant poisons aren’t selective. They get rid of everything they touch. It is important you go through the product labels. Pick herbicide meant for broadleaf that contains dicamba or tricolpyr. That way your turf grass will be safe. The herbicide only kills Creeping Charlie. You will need a garden sprayer, gloves, protective clothing, protective eyewear and the herbicide. This method is most effective when done in the fall after the first frost.

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