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Effective Ways to Protect Public Health and Safety Issues

There is a time that government will able to address issues related to public health and safety partially and not whole. There is a great expectations and hope that government is supposed to ensure that the wellbeing of the people is maintained by having proper health care, conserving water air and land and most of all protect the environment. Most of the time you realize that government may be unable to deliver its fully responsibility in matters to do with public health and safety and even after lots of complains from the public they don’t take it as a menace that needs urgent address. Most of the people have lost trust on how government handles issues relating to water, air, health and land and due to that they have to take charge of taking the responsibility of addressing the core needs of having clean water, air and land.

Below are effective ways to protect public health and safety issues. Every person living in the planet has an obligation of making sure that one has safe water, air and land. Globally all people needs to unite and make this happen and eliminate all the things that leads to air water and land pollution. Not unless people unite there is no way the challenge of water air and health issues will be addressed. The more contaminated the water, air as well as public health is the more people will die. Collectively every person needs to demand transparency from the government when it comes to matters to do with public safety and health.

It is a high time that people stop living in fear and instead make an effort of complaining about issues to do with public health and safety the government. You find that majority of the people live with the fear of being retaliated and due to that they are not able to demand their rights from the government. Every person has a right of having access to clean water, air and land and this are some of the things that any government needs to provide to the public. For effective public health and safety people has to make sure that they obtain justice from the government since they are the ones who have the control.

The public needs to communicate freely about what they feel about the government trust, faith and transparency. It is important to communicate to the government the concerns since it’s the one in charge of water and air that the general public uses. The step of communicating freely is a bold step towards having a control of water that you drink and the air that you breathe. People are not supposed to fear the government so as to get the liberty.

To make sure that the public trust is regained back proper measures needs to adhere to. Using the small rights available there can be a chance to preserve water and air. Every person has a right to clean water and air and this can be preserved earlier enough before the they get stripped away.

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